Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week 2 EOC: Privacy

Privacy. Some of us value it, while some of us could care less. On the Internet, we can control what we put out there which can be a scary thing.

Sharing personal information can be a good thing or a bad thing, whether you post how much you hate your job, or how your cat means everything you, everyone has his or her own opinion on what you share with the world. Most websites and applications allow users to control how public we make our lives known.  For example, as an artist, I use an alias and a few different pennames (each name varies on the website), and I filter how much of my personal life I ‘leak’ out into the Internet. Of course I become friends with a few of my clients, and only then I am comfortable sharing my personal life.

 I feel very safe and comfortable with how much I let out and tell others. Even though I have nothing to hide, I know what is and isn’t acceptable to blurt out for the whole online world to see. I think most people take their privacy for granted, as of late there have been discussion of laws to allow the government to control the Internet and what citizens can do with it.

 Privacy can be controlled, and others should learn how to properly filter their personal information and opinions.

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